Latest news

          • TAN #24-02 Recommendations for an adaptive approach to resilience of non-SH bridges – Technical Advisory Note recently published by Transport Services

            This note is to advise the sector of the direction of the NZ Transport Agency regarding the adoption and implementation of updated seismic hazard models in the design of State Highway bridges, and to provide associated recommendations for the design of non-SH bridges. Recent developments in the understanding of natural hazard risk in New Zealand, including seismic and flooding, have led to a general increase in design demands. The increased demands require sharper critical thinking to be applied in setting performance requirements for resilience and in designing efficient solutions for new structures.


          • TAN #24-01 Seismic resilience of new State Highway Bridges – Technical Advisory Note recently published by Transport Services

            This note is to advise the sector of the direction of the NZ Transport Agency regarding the adoption and implementation of updated seismic hazard models in the design of State Highway bridges. A comprehensive review of current seismic design procedures in the Bridge Manual and associated documents is underway, in collaboration with the wider sector. This review encompasses seismic risk settings and associated performance criteria. Whilst this review is in progress, and until further direction is provided through updates to relevant Standards, the following approach shall be adopted in the design of new NZTA structures.


          • RR 727 – Community response to transport noise exposure in New Zealand – Research report recently published by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi


            NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi recently published a research report which defines and quantifies the responses to noise exposure from road traffic, railways and aircraft in selected locations throughout New Zealand.


          • Methods of measuring mode share and mode shift at different spatial scales and timescales – Research report recently published by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi


            NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi recently published a research report which explains how researchers developed a toolkit that authorities can use to harmonise their approaches to measuring and reporting on mode share and mode shift. The toolkit helps authorities decide which approach to collecting mode-share data will best suit their purpose. It also contains guidelines on specifying mode-share data requirements, and collecting, analysing and reporting on the data.


          • 3 December RCAF Webinar – Temporary Traffic Management (TTM)

            Temporary traffic management is changing in New Zealand; Contractors, TTM suppliers and RCAs including NZTA are moving to a risk-based approach to TTM. This is a transformational change for the sector and we’re keen to share information about the key changes underway as well as the support available to help local councils consider how they can approach their transition.


            Join our webinar on 3 December 2024 from 10am to 11:30am to find out more. The webinar will be hosted by the RCA Forum with key speakers and a panel of experts to answer your questions:

            • Steve Mutton, Chair of the RCA Forum
            • Andrew McKillop, Programme Director, Road Efficiency Group
            • Darren Wu, Chair of the TTM industry steering group
            • Ryan Cooney, Programme Director Road Works Safety, NZTA
          • 26 November RCA Forum – Implementing under the new GPS

            We’re excited to confirm that the next RCA Forum ‘Implementing under the new GPS’ will be held in person on 26 November 2024 at Te Papa Tongarewa, 55 Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington. Registration opens 9:15am; Forum starts 10.00am and closes 4:00pm. Tickets are limited and only available until 12 noon on 18 November, so secure yours today.


            Join us at the RCA Forum to learn more about implementing the GPS and hear from:

            • The Minister of Transport, Hon Simeon Brown
            • Acting GM, Strategy, Infrastructure Commission, Peter Nunns
            • Manager Regulatory Technical, NZTA, Iain McAuley
            • Other key transport leaders who are responding to the GPS

          RCA Forums enable members to exchange information and provide updates on sector working group activities, proposed legislation, new standards and guidelines, highway and procurement strategies and other issues relevant to road controlling authorities and the other member organisations. A full index of forum resources is here.

          Working Groups

          RCA Forum Working Groups

          The RCA Forum establishes specialised working groups to resolve issues that require a coordinated approach from the sector. These working groups continue as long as the issues require attention. After a working group closes, its records and documents continue to be available here on this site. The full list of resources for each working group includes references, past research, and coroner’s recommendations.

          About us

          The Road Controlling Authorities Forum (New Zealand) Incorporated (RCAF or RCA Forum) is a closed, non-political incorporated society of road asset managers and roading professionals from all territorial local authorities (except the Chatham Islands Council), the Department of Conservation and the New Zealand Transport Agency.