26 November 2024
Road Controlling Authorities Forum: Implementing under the new GPS
Venue: Te Papa Tongarewa, 55 Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington.
Registration and morning tea: 9:15am
10:00 Welcome
Steve Mutton, RCAF and REG Chairperson
10:10am Disrupting the market – we need to be smarter in the way we think about infrastructure investment and how we procure so we can deliver better, faster and cheaper
Peter Nunns, Infrastructure Commission
- Information on the development of the National Infrastructure Plan and how that will help guide decision making to enable better, faster, and smarter outcomes.
10:50am The ‘ins and outs’ of setting speed limits in 2024
Iain McAuley, NZTA Manager Regulatory Technical
- An update on the new approach to setting speed limits (effective 30 October 2024), highlighting significant changes, and answering questions about implementation of the rule.
11:30am Improving TTM efficiency and effectiveness (at a high level)
Vanessa Browne, NZTA Acting GGM Transport Services
- Inform and educate RCAs to increase their understanding about the importance of applying risk based TTM. The RCAF webinar on 3 December will provide national context to the change in approach to TTM.
Link to Vanessa’s presentation
11:50am How you can maximise the value from REAAA
Simon Hunt, REAAA Chairperson
- Outlining the purpose and vision of REAAA and the alignment they have with REG and RCAF.
12:10pm Networking opportunity over a light lunch
1:00pm Getting more from your unsealed roads investment (case study)
Andy Brown, Whangarei District Council Asset Management Infrastructure Planning
- Share the focus of the Northlands Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Unsealed Roads that has led to a better-quality network.
1:40pm Reducing ‘failed to detect’ crashes at rural crossroads (research paper)
Dr Hamish Mackie – Director/Principal Researcher – Mackie Research
- This research topic gathers data on how often ‘failure to detect’ crashes occur, analysing the likely causes, and then testing possibilities for mitigations.
2.20pm Break
2:30pm Implementing under the new GPS
Hon Simeon Brown – Minister of Transport
- Hear from the Minister on his reflection of the last 12 months as Transport Minister, and to inform us of his expectations around delivering the GPS.
3:10pm Using REG Transport Insights to think differently and drive performance
Alison Tomlinson (Queenstown District Lakes Council) and Cynthia Wilson (Dunedin City Council)
- REG Transport Insights – its development, improved user experience, executive access, and incorporating emerging technologies and mobility, to enable more meaningful conversations.
Link to Alison and Cynthia’s presentation
3:45pm Wrap up
Steve Mutton, RCAF and REG Chairperson
- Summary of the day, quick-fire updates, and top of mind topics for the next event.