
August 2019

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Climate Change and Resilience


ITEM 1 – 9.00am

Welcome, housekeeping and apologies.

Forum agenda

SESSION 1:  Climate Change and Resilience

Item 2 – 9.10am

Keynote Speaker

The Minister will talk about climate change, the impacts on the transport system, how the government is responding and what the RCA’s should be starting to think about for the future.

Hon Julie Anne Genter

Item 3 – 9.30am

Industry perspectives on the impacts of climate change

Central Government are consulting on The Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Bill with the closing date for submissions Tuesday, 16 July 2019. The purpose of the Zero Carbon Bill is to establish a framework which New Zealand can use to develop clear, stable climate change policies in accord with the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement is a global effort to combat the effects of climate change by limiting the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The bill would set greenhouse gas reduction targets into law and require that future governments continue these efforts into the future (ref:

Local and central government organisations are now required to turn their minds to what this all means for them and the country as a whole. This thinking is crucial in guiding RCA’s who will need to provide information to their elected officials that will enable informed decision making. Planning for new roading and the protection of existing roading infrastructure is key to this country’s economic future (from both an economical and lifelines perspective). Our panel session speakers will provide further detail on the government’s position, insurance industry insights, sea level rise research and report on resilience planning that has already started.

Industry Perspectives – Nick Leggett

Nick will discuss the road transport industry, its contribution to our economy and the case for roads as the fundamental building block of our transport network. He will also examine the impacts of climate change on the trucking industry and the freight sector generally and consider the emerging trends that will assist the industry to reduce its carbon footprint over time.

03a Industry Perspectives – Nick Leggett

Nick Leggett

Vulnerable: the quantum of local government owned infrastructure exposed to sea level rise – Tom Simonson

Over 18 months between 2017 and 2018 2018, LGNZ surveyed 62 councils to quantify the impact of rising seas on local government owned infrastructure.  More specifically, it was interested in quantifying the cost and quantity of water, roading and buildings (among other infrastructure) exposed at .5, 1.0, 1.5 and 3.0 meter intervals. Obtaining a 97% response rate, LGNZ was able to underpin advocacy to Government to pursue adaptive measures in addressing climate change (as opposed to the mitigation approach currently undertaken).  Key facts include roughly $8 billion in exposed infrastructure at the 1.5 meter interval, which includes approximately 2,100 kilometres of roads with a replacement value of roughly $1.0 billion.

03b Industry Perspectives – Tom Simonson

Tom Simonson

The Sharing Economy and Vehicle Automation – The present and the Future for Resource Efficiency – Tony McHarg

Nearly every industry faces disruption as the Sharing Economy builds momentum. Traditional goods and services companies must compete with platforms that match-make and facilitate, enabling businesses and individuals to make more efficient use of their resources. This business model will be further fuelled by developments in vehicle automation, which itself faces its own challenges and opportunities for adoption in New Zealand. Tony will discuss the shift in risk brought by both the sharing economy and vehicle automation, and discuss implications for roading and infrastructure now and in the future.

03c Industry Perspectives – Tony McHarg

Tony McHarg


Item 4 – 11.00am

Continued: Industry perspectives on the impacts of climate change

Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) – Bryn Gandy

Bryn’s presentation will cover how environmental issues are currently addressed through the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) 2018 and the Ministry’s Transport Outcomes Framework. He will also touch on the ongoing development of GPS 2021, which is due out for public engagement at the end of this year. Lastly, he will speak to other pieces of work that the Ministry is currently progressing, which aim to support the Government’s environmental objectives (e.g. net zero emissions target for 2050) through minimising transport’s impact on the environment.

04a Industry Perspectives – Bryn Gandy

Bryn Gandy

Intro: Our Resilience Challenge

The transport system’s risk profile is changing due to climate change and the Transport Agency is considering how to best address this through both mitigation and adaptation responses. This is adding further challenges to an already significant task of managing resilience within the transport system, including some ageing infrastructure that was not designed to manage current demand. Reducing risk, preparing, responding to and recovering from disruption requires a coordinated response, but we need a better understanding and policies for different types of risks, disruption impacts and community tolerances.

This presentation will touch on some of the thinking and early work within our resilience programme.

04b Industry Perspectives – Stuart Woods

Stuart Woods

Item 5 – 11.40am

Panel discussion and Q&A

The panel includes speakers from:

  • Road Transport Forum
  • Local Government NZ
  • AIG NZ
  • Ministry of Transport
  • NZ Transport Agency.


SESSION 2:  Case Studies and Young Transport Professional

Item 6 – 1.30pm

Case Study 1 – Responding to Climate Change Challenges on Dunedin’s Transport Network – Richard Saunders

Like many New Zealand cities and regions Dunedin is facing significant challenges associated with climate change. Large areas of Dunedin will be impacted by rising sea levels, and more frequent and violent climate events are testing the resilience of existing infrastructure.

Dunedin is currently completing its first significant roading infrastructure project responding to climate change. The Peninsula Connection is a $69.5m resilience and safety improvement project to raise and widen the road along the Otago Peninsula.

In the future areas such as South Dunedin will be at significant risk from rising sea levels. Planning for these challenges must start now to ensure core infrastructure supports the long term vision for the city.

06 Case Study 1 – Dunedin’s transport network – Richard Saunders

Richard Saunders

Item 7 – 2.00pm

Case Study 2 – Resilience planning for visitors, traffic and the environment – Tinaka Mearns

Using South Westland Glaciers as an example, Tinaka will share insights about DOC’s approach for sustainable visitor management in a volatile environment.

07 Case Study 2 – Resilience planning for visitors, traffic and the environment – Tinaka Mearns

Tinaka Mearns

Item 8 – 2.30pm

Case Study 3 – Coastal adaptation (Tamaki Drive and East West Link) – Dale Paice

The brownfield nature of our urban centres place unique constraints on how assets in coastal locations can be managed, adapted, improved or maintained. Dale presents two case studies of how a risk based approach has been applied to the design of road improvement projects in Auckland to take consideration of our changing climate.

08 Case Study 3 – Coastal adaptation (Tamaki Drive and East West Link) – Dale Paice

Item 9 – 3.00pm

Young Transport Professional

Cherry will talk about the projects that she has worked on, and learnings she has gained during her time at Auckland Transport and throughout her studies.

09 Young Transport Professional – Cherry Chadha

Cherry Chadha

SESSION 3: Annual General Meeting

Item 10 – 3.15pm

Notice of AGM

AGM Agenda

AGM Presentation

Jim Harland

Don Cameron

Item 11 – 3.40pm

Networking Function

CLOSE 5.00pm


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