
6 September 2022

Road Controlling Authorities Forum: Planning for the future

Future infrastructure, emissions reduction and how you can benefit

Venue:  Wharewaka Function Centre, Wharf 2 Taranaki Street, Waterfront, Wellington 6011

Registration:  8:15 am

Note:  the content of this agenda will continue to be updated throughout the months of July and early August as speakers are confirmed.

View the forum photo gallery


ITEM 1 – 9:00 am 

Welcome and Introduction from the Chair

Steve Mutton


ITEM 2 – 9:15 am

Are you prepared for the unexpected?

This session will share the emergency management lessons learnt from the recent weather events that significantly impacted the Nelson-Tasman region.  Alec Louverdis, the Group Manager Infrastructure, Nelson District Council, will speak about what happened, the lessons learned, and what you need to think about to prepare for an event like this in your region.

Alec Louverdis

Link to Alec Louverdis’ Presentation


ITEM 3 – 9:45 am

Briefing on New Zealand’s Infrastructure Strategy

The Infrastructure Commission has recently released, for the first time ever, a New Zealand Infrastructure Strategy.

Blake Lepper, the General Manager, Infrastructure Delivery Team, will present on the role of the Commission, the findings of the strategy and more specifically, the relevance of this work to New Zealand’s roading infrastructure.

This will include:

  • Adapting to our changing needs and aspirations – The New Zealand of 2050 will be a very different place to live from the New Zealand of today. Within the next three decades our cities could be home to 1.7 million new people, roughly the size of another Auckland. Our regions will face considerable change too, with some parts of New Zealand growing, while others will need to adjust to declining populations.  In addition, New Zealand has committed to a net-zero carbon emissions economy by 2050. This requires a major energy transition and levels of investment in new infrastructure not seen since the 1970s.
  • Deal with shocks and stresses – Climate change also poses significant risks to New Zealand’s infrastructure. It’s increasing the number of storms and floods, as well as the risk of inundation due to sea-level rise. Making our infrastructure more resilient and investing in resilience planning will enable us to recover faster from natural disasters (such as earthquakes and floods), minimising their impacts on our society and economy.
Blake Lepper

Link to Blake Lepper’s Presentation


10:15 am – MORNING TEA


ITEM 4 – 10:45 am

Panel – Responding to the Emission Reduction Plan 

This session will give you the chance to hear from a panel of speakers from Civil Contractors NZ, Waka Kotahi and Transporting NZ, on what the key transport actions are to reduce transport emissions and how they see this plan impacting Roading Controlling Authorities.

Lisa Rossiter

Alan Pollard

Nick Leggett


ITEM 5 – 11:15 am

Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF 2022) – how do you get your cut of the $1.2B allocated to transport?

This session will provide you with the opportunity to understand the purpose of the fund, what success looks like and how it will benefit Road Controlling Authorities. How the funding can be accessed, what the framework for allocation will be and how you, as a Road Controlling Authority, can get your share.

Lisa Rossiter

Link to Lisa Rossiter’s Presentation


ITEM 6 –  11:45 am

Adaption plan and what this means for the road corridor

Central government has recently released the National Adaptation Plan (NAP). Cathy will look at how the NAP addresses land based transport and transport-related infrastructure as well as financial tools for funding roading networks into the future. She will also provide an overview of the approach Auckland Transport is taking to adaptation planning.

Dr Cathy Bebelman

Link to Cathy Bebelman’s Presentation


12:15 pm – LUNCH


ITEM 7 -1:00 pm

Emerging Leader – Putting the Boot to Climate Change

Over the next 20 years we can expect dramatic changes in our weather patterns, increased temperatures, rainfall events and sea level rise will wreak havoc on New Zealand’s infrastructure and road networks.  Maintaining our road networks is a critical task which provides lifeline access to New Zealand citizens but will also be a major influencer in reaching our Carbon reduction targets.

Rashmi’s presentation outlines:

  • How Rashmi is using data to better understand Fulton Hogan maintenance patterns and practices
  • Discovering the factors which increase the carbon foot print of our heavy maintenance works
  • Bringing the carbon equation into treatment selection practice
  • In 20 years time, Rashmi will be in the engineering driving seat, how bumpy her ride is, depends on how we act now!!
Rashmi Perera

Link to Rashmi Perera’s Presentation


ITEM 8 -1:20 pm

Improving speed management to make our roads safer
Te whakapai i te āhua o te whakahaere i ngā pae tere e haumaru ake ai ngā rori o Aotearoa

The new speed management guide has been published.  What have you learnt from the guide, and what are the questions you need answered ahead of you developing your first speed management plan next year under the new rule?

Neil Cook

Link to Neil Cook’s Presentation


ITEM 9 – 2:00 pm

Shifting the dial on knowledge of underground assets – Wellington underground services

In the next decade and beyond, Wellington will spend billions of dollars on infrastructure improvements – much of which will require underground works. Like most cities in the world, records of our underground environment are poor. This inflicts massive inefficiencies, service strikes risk, cost and delays on the city, utilities and contractors working on these projects – because put simply, we can’t be sure of what we will find when we break ground.

It is our aspiration to move beyond multiple, disparate records dispersed across many organisations, towards a consolidated, shared and trusted view of the key aspects of what’s where in our underground landscape. Achieving this offers compelling potential benefits for all those working in or impacted by works in the subsurface environment. Improving our knowledge of Wellington’s subsurface infrastructure is an opportunity to begin a paradigm shift in efficiency for the city’s critical infrastructure – one which would be a gift to our future city and powerfully support the success of the Long Term Plan.

Siobhan Procter

Link to Siobhan Procter’s Presentation


ITEM 10 – 2:30 pm

Minister of Transport 

Hear from Hon Michael Wood on funding challenges, greenhouse gas emissions and inter-regional public transport.


ITEM 11 – 3.00 pm

Industry updates

Steve Mutton,

This session will cover updates on:

  • Bitumen supply
  • Taumata Taiao – environmental and sustainability standard
  • One Network Framework
  • Asset Management Data Standard
  • Maori Bilingual Traffic Signs Programme
  • Safety Camera Expansion and Transfer
  • National Land Transport Fund spend
  • Driver Licensing Improvements
  • Road Efficiency Group
  • Questions from the floor

Link to Steve Mutton’s Presentation


ITEM 12 – 3:30 pm


Steve Mutton,


ITEM 13 – 15:45 pm 

Annual General Meeting 


ITEM 14 – 4:15 pm

Networking session


CLOSE – 5.00 PM

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