RCA Forum Road-Rail working group


The purpose of the Road Rail Working Group is to identify, prioritise and seek to address a range of road-rail issues that currently impact rail and road corridor managers.

The objectives of the Working Group are to:

  • Clarify and communicate the allocation of responsibilities between rail access providers and road controlling authorities for maintenance and upgrading at public road level crossings to enable forward planning and funding requirements for the National Land Transport Programme and Local Authority Long Term Plan processes.
  • Develop collaborative partnerships between RCAs, Waka Kotahi, KiwiRail and Tracksafe to improve safety at the intersections of roads and railways across Aotearoa.
  • Develop new guidance for sharing best practice and promoting appropriate regulatory responses where needed.
  • Provide awareness with both RCAs and KiwiRail of innovations being undertaken to enhance safety and operation at the road rail interface.

The Working Group includes representatives from LGNZ, road controlling authorities representing metro, provincial and rural communities, Waka Kotahi, KiwiRail and Tracksafe. From time to time, the Working Group may need to have NZ Police representation to discuss any enforcement / safety issues that arise.  For queries related to this group, contact Bruce Conaghan, the Convenor.

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