March 2019
Tourism and Transport
Download the agenda.
ITEM 1 – 9.00am
Welcome, housekeeping and apologies.
SESSION 1: Tourism & Transport
Item 2 – 9.10am
Keynote Speaker
Introduction to the draft Aotearoa New Zealand Government Tourism Strategy.
Item 3 – 9.30am
Panel Discussion
What are the priorities for your organisation in responding to the strategy and how will you work with road controlling authorities to disperse visitors through the regions and enhance value?
03b Panel Discussion – Tim Bamford presentation
MORNING TEA – 10.30pm
ITEM 4 – 11.00am
The RCA Forum’s Strategic Portfolio Activities Session
This session is to affirm work programmes, advise where the RCA is going and provide an opportunity for members to raise any topical issues.
04 RCA Forum Strategic Portfolio Activities Session
ITEM 5 – 11.30am
Active Modes Infrastructure Group (AMIG): The journey so far and the challenges ahead
Walking and cycling (the Active Modes) are an increasingly important component of the mode mix across the transport network.
The Government Policy Statement on Land Transport and the NZ Transport Agency policy setting acknowledges this priority and is very enabling towards supporting councils making our towns and cities more walking and cycling friendly. Additionally the Safer Journeys strategy, looks to “achieve a reduction in the crash risk for pedestrians and particularly cyclists, while at the same time encouraging an increase in use of these modes through safer roading infrastructure”.
The Active Mode Infrastructure Group followed the established model for the sector in responding to changing needs by working together collaboratively to put best practice into the hands of practitioners, and ensure interventions are delivered consistently across the network.
AMIG has overseen and sought to coordinate the responses to a substantial shift in the attitude to providing for urban mobility, and is now the technical reference group for addressing the gaps in guidelines and in the regulatory framework in providing for not only the active modes, but the many innovative personal transport devices that are increasingly looking to occupy the same space.
05 Active Modes Infrastructure Group – Wayne Newman
Item 6 – 12.30pm
New Road Safety Strategy
The MoT are leading a development of a new road safety strategy for NZ, founded on a clear ambition to reduce the trauma on our roads. Last year, more than one person a day was killed in road crashes. This level of trauma is neither inevitable nor acceptable, and it is clear a new approach is needed.
The new road safety strategy will outline how we will approach the road safety challenges of the next decade and hold ourselves to account to save lives and meaningfully reduce trauma.
James Campbell will outline the Ministry’s work to date and provide context ahead of public consultation in mid-2019.
06 New Road Safety Strategy James Campbell
ITEM 7 – 12.00pm
Temporary Traffic Management Improvement Programme
Tim Barry will touch on the context and reasons why NZTA are making changes to the way safety is managed at road worksites, how these changes will be implemented and provide opportunity for RCA members to be involved in future improvements.
LUNCH – 12.45pm
ITEM 8 – 1.30pm
Speed Management Guide
How is NZTA implementing the Speed Management Guide to reduce the risk in the top 10% of the State Highways and local road network?
08 Speed Management Guide – Tim Crow – 1 of 2
08 Speed Management Guide – Tim Crow – 2 of 2.
Item 9 – 2.00pm
Young Transport Professional
Heather will be talking about the challenges and successes in renewal planning and delivery for rural networks.
09 Young Transport Professional – Heather Richies – 1 of 4
09 Young Transport Professional – Heather Richies – 2 of 4
09 Young Transport Professional – Heather Richies – 3 of 4
09 Young Transport Professional – Heather Richies – 4 of 4
ITEM 10 – 2.15pm
The Road Efficiency Group (REG); Supporting the Journey to Business Excellence.
10 REG – Jeff Devine and Wayne Oldfield
ITEM 11 – 2.45pm
NZTA Research Topics
NZTA has refreshed the approach to its NLTP funded research programme. This talk will cover the principles for resetting the programme as well as the key opportunities this has now identified. These include the broadening of the time horizon of the programme as well as the research methods, plus the increase in research expertise guiding research development.