4 June 2021
GPS2021 - Working Together to Meet Our Future Funding Challenges
RCA Forum Agenda – Printable Version
VENUE – Rydges Wellington Airport, L2, 28 Stewart Duff Drive, Rongotai Wellington
ITEM 1 – 9.00am
Welcome, housekeeping and apologies
- Steve Mutton, RCA Forum Chair, Waka Kotahi
- Mayor Don Cameron, Deputy RCA Forum Chair, Ruapehu District Council
ITEM 2 – 9.10am
Safety Moment
ITEM 3 – 9.20am
Keynote Speaker Hon Michael Wood, Minister of Transport
This will be a pre-recorded message and will cover:
- GPS 2021 working together to meet the implementation challenges
- Funding
- Road to zero
- Emissions reduction
Q&A Panel Session
ITEM 4 – 9.40am
National Land Transport Programme
Development of the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme:
Howard will provide an update on the process to develop the 21-24 NLTP and some of the key challenges and constraints.
Howard Cattermole’s presentation
ITEM 5 – 10.10am
What are the burning issues you are facing?
Group discussion
MORNING TEA – 10.30am
ITEM 6 – 11.00am
Road Efficiency Group (REG) Update – One Network Framework
REG and Waka Kotahi are leading the transformation of ONRC into the One Network Framework (ONF).
The ONF provides better integration of transport and land use planning taking into account movement and place functions.
It will also support how our transport systems deliver enduring outcomes and community wellbeing, the development of multi model networks and how we make investment decisions.
In this address the background to the ONF will be explained, planning and programme delivery steps outlined and questions raised as to how you can be involved.
ITEM 7 – 11.30am
Digital Engineering Framework
David will be describing the;
- opportunities for digitisation of transport activity management and clarifying the roles of BIM, digital engineering, digital twins and activity management within this
- the potential impacts on our business
- the next steps Waka Kotahi and its partners are taking
ITEM 8 – 12.00pm
KiwiRail: Looking ahead
This session will cover:
- Ten year vision for rail,
- Opportunities
- Investing in our future
LUNCH – 12.30pm
ITEM 9 – 1.30pm
New speed setting rule change
Waka Kotahi and the Ministry of Transport are currently consulting on a draft Setting of Speeds Limits Rule that will give effect to a new regulatory framework for speed management and transitioning to safer speed limits around schools. They would like to hear the RCA Forum’s feedback on the proposals in this draft rule.
Waka Kotahi and MoT’s presentation
ITEM 10 – 2.15pm
Road works site health and safety programme
For the past 2 years Waka Kotahi, CCNZ, Worksafe and LGNZ have partnered to make our road work sites safer for those that work on site and for the public.
Peter will update you on the programme including the Worksafe Good Practice Guide, COPPTM review, TTM training and competency and how RCA members can support the programme.
ITEM 11 – 2.45pm
Adoption of the 2021-22 Budget
RCA Forum Chair, Steve Mutton
ITEM 12 – 2.55pm
Summing up and feedback
RCA Forum Chair, Steve Mutton
ITEM 13 – 3.00pm
Networking function
All RCAF members
CLOSE – 5.00pm