From May 2013 the 4th edition of the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management is ratified as the reference document guiding temporary traffic management on both state highway and local road networks. The Code, generally known as CoPTTM, is now Part 8 of the Traffic Control Devices Manual (TCD Manual).
Earlier editions of CoPTTM were published as guidelines for best practice on State Highways. A Local Roads Supplement (LRS) was produced by the RCA Forum to enable temporary traffic management on local roads to be more suited to local conditions and circumstances. The LRS allowed local road traffic management plans to be developed quickly and easily while still meeting the appropriate safety and traffic standards.
The 4th edition has included detail from the LRS and can now serve as an Investment, State Highway and Local Guideline. The July 2015 update to CoPTTM becomes effective on 1 August 2015 as the 4th edition version 3.