

In February 2007, a series of workshops was held around the country: Takapuna, Rotorua, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch and Gore. The objective was to bring together representatives of all those involved in managing road and stormwater assets, whether employed by a territorial local authority, Transit New Zealand or Land Transport New Zealand, as well as consultants, contractors, planners, researchers, manufacturers and suppliers.

The workshops were a follow-on from the 2006 survey and stocktake, in which many respondents indicated a desire and need for more training and education. The presentations were aimed to raise awareness of the issues and present recent research and guidelines, which would be of assistance to people in their daily work.

The slides of the presentations are available in printed form only. These, and a CD with both the slides of presentations and additional material, are available from the Stormwater Group Administrator.

Delegates considered the workshops useful and informative, providing a good update of current activities relating to stormwater. They were described as well-run, with a good range of speakers, discussions, and presentations.


The Stormwater Group ran a second series of seminars in March 2008, with the assistance of the New Zealand Water and Wastes Association. These focused on the tools and techniques available to practitioners, identifying what works or doesn’t work in different situations.

The slides from the seminars are organised as follows:

Session 1 – Introduction and definition of the problem of stormwater and road runoff – issues, myths, Transit NZ strategy

Session 2 – Vegetative and non-vegetative treatment techniques and case studies – bioretension, larger designs, non-vegetative techniques

Session 3 – Proprietary devices, lifecycle costing and TP10 – defining the problem, filtration devices, life cycle costing, proprietary devices, screening devices, separation devices, TP10, treatment options

Session 4 – Climate change


A third series of seminars on managing stormwater and run-off from roads, planned for March 2009, was replaced by a RCA Forum Stormwater Group session on managing stormwater and road run-off within the 6th South Pacific Stormwater Conference 2009 on the afternoon of 30 April 2009. This special session included presentations on recent research on contaminant loads in road run-off and in sediments near state highways, as well as on the draft NZTA Stormwater Treatment Standard for Road Infrastructure and achieving integrated management of stormwater and road run-off within territorial authorities.

The Stormwater Group wishes to acknowledge and thank WaterNZ, the presenters who have given their time to prepare these presentations, and Fiona Knight, who undertook the bulk of the work associated with arranging the seminar series over three years.