Research and resources
A vast and rapidly expanding resource of research and guidance on many aspects of active modes is readily available. Current guidance on the provision of facilities for walking, cycling and public transport has been collated into one place on the NZ Transport Agency website (see Multi-modal transport). Below is a far-from-exhaustive selection of material that has come to the attention of the Active Modes Infrastructure Group as being potentially useful for practitioners, although generally as reference material rather than guidance documents.
- The impact of environmental factors on cycling speed on shared paths, S. Boufous, J. Hatfield, R. Grzebieta, University of NSW, 2017
- Developing options for contra-flow cycleways, G. Koorey, W. Lloyd, M. McAulay, IPENZ TG Conference, 2017
- Regulations and safety for electric bicycles and other low-powered vehicles Lieswyn, J. et al., 2017
- Valuing access to work Bealing, M., Krieble, T. & Pambudi, D., 2017
- The value of accessibility Locke, S. & Burdett, B., 2017
- How dangerous is cycling in New Zealand? Chieng, M., Lai, H. & Woodward, A., University of Auckland, 2017
- Valuing participation in transport Locke, S. & Burdett, B., 2016
- Economic benefits of improved accessibility to transport systems Casullo, L., ITF, 2016
- Footpath Cycling Rule Options Research Ward, J. & Mackie, H., 2016
- Signal design for pedestrians as if they were thinking adults Daff, M. & Cramphorn, B., Walk21 2006
- Shared pathways and perceptions of risk, Blomquist, A., Trafinz 2017 presentation
- Sharing the footpath – HCC’s experience with counting path users, Horridge, K., Trafinz 2017 presentation
- Benchmarking cycling and walking in six New Zealand cities, C. Shaw and M. Russell, New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities, Otago University, 2016
- “Bicycles may use full lane” signage communicates U.S. Roadway Rules and increases perceptions of safety, G. Hess, M. Peterson, NC State University, 2015
- Shared paths – the issues, Victoria Walks, 2015
- Multiple Criteria Bicycle Route Assessment: Integrating demand, supply and stakeholder perceptions for a spatial decision support system in Christchurch, NZ, A. Butler, University of Twente, The Netherlands, 2015
- A safer road environment for cyclists, J. P. Schepers, PhD dissertation, Delft University of Technology, 2013
- Requirements for effective cycling infrastructure, M. A. Coulthard and B. E. Southey-Jensen, University of Canterbury, 2014
- Feasibility of implementing European/North American “Pedestrian Crosswalk” laws in New Zealand, C. L. McCrostie, University of Canterbury, 2014
- Advanced cycle facilities design. Presentation for Sustainable Transport Planning, University of Canterbury, 2014
- Assessment of effectiveness of narrow separators on cycle lanes, Glen Koorey, Axel Wilke, Judith Aussendorf, 2013
- Effects on motor vehicle behaviour of colour and width of bicycle facilities at signalised intersections, Glen Koorey, 2009
- School “drop off” zone trial: performance of changes to parking restrictions, ViaStrada for Christchurch City Council, 2008
- Low Stress Bicycling and Network Connectivity, Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose State University, 2012
- Review of existing cycle infrastructure and issues, Flow Transportation study for Auckland Transport, 2012
- Selecting cycling facility types in the City of Ottawa, 2011
- Review of shared lane markings international best practice, Flow Transportation study for Auckland Transport, 2013
- Review of innovative bicycle infrastructure not currently in Cycling Aspects of Austroads, Rebecca Lehman, GTA, 2013
- Report on coloured cycle lane research for Palmerston North City Council, Laura Skilton, GHD, and Sandi Morris, PNCC, 2013 (see presentation)
- Conflict path analysis of cyclist-driver interface, Bob Cummings, report to AITPM National Conference, 2012
- Report on research on cycle lane markings, Frans Krause, Hastings District Council, 2012
- Evaluation of shared lane markings, FHA, US Dept of Transport, 2010
- An advisory symbol for cyclists, SKM study for Auckland City Council, 2007
- Review of cycle signs and markings, Via Strada study for NZTA, 2011
- Evaluation of shared lane markings for cyclists for Victoria, CDM Research study for VicRoads, 2013
- Signal design for pedestrians as if they were thinking adults, M. Daff & B. Cramphorne, Walk21 2006
- The impact of transportation infrastructure on bicycling injuries and crashes: a review of the literature, C. Reynolds, M. Harris, K. Teschke, P. Cripton, M. Winters, University of British Columbia, 2009
- Transport and health. Public Health Association of New Zealand position statement, 2004
- Physical activity and Health: a report of the Surgeon General. (Executive Summary) Atlanta, GA. US Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health.
- The effect of light rail transit on body mass index and physical activity. MacDonald J, Stokes R, Cohen D, Kofner A, Ridgeway G, Am. J. Prev. Med. 2010;39:105-12.
- Healthy transport = Healthy lives. London: British Medical Association, 2012.
- Updated Health and Air Pollution in New Zealand Study. Kuschel G, Metcalfe J, Wilton E, Guria J, Hales S, Rolfe K, Woodward A, Emission Impossible Ltd, Environet Ltd, Jagadish Guria, University of Otago, Kevin Rolfe, University of Auckland, prepared for Health Research Council of New Zealand, Ministry of Transport, Ministry for the Environment and New Zealand Transport Agency, 2012.
- Moving urban trips from cars to bicycles: impact on health and emissions. Lindsay G, Macmillan A, Woodward A. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2011;35(1):54-60.
- Christchurch City Health Profile: Active Transport. Community and Public Health, 2013.
- Promoting public health through Smart Growth: building healthier communities through transportation and land use policies and practices. Frank L, Kavage S, Litman T. Vancouver, BC: Smart Growth British Columbia, 2006.
- Transport Policy Statement, New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine, 2013
- Valuing the health benefits of active transport modes, Genter J, Donovan S, Petrenas B, Badland H, McCormick Rankin Cagney, Auckland University of Technology, 2008