Meetings and minutes
Next Meeting:
- 29-30 November, in Auckland
Last meeting:
- 17 August 2018 in Wellington (meeting notes)
See a list of recent decisions by the group at AMIG Decisions
Previous meetings:
- 10 May 2018 in Wellington (meeting notes).
- 16 February 2018 in Wellington (meeting notes)
- 16 October 2017 in Christchurch (meeting notes)
- 6 July 2017 in Auckland (meeting notes)
- 12 April 2017 in Wellington (meeting notes)
- 24 November 2016 in Wellington (meeting notes)
- 19 August 2016 (meeting notes)
- 19 May 2016 (meeting notes)
- 25 February 2016 (meeting notes)
- 6 November 2015 (meeting notes)
- 9 July 2015 (meeting notes)
- 7 May 2015 (meeting notes)
- 5 March 2015 (meeting notes)
- 27 November 2014 (minutes, meeting notes)
- 18-19 June 2014 (meeting notes)
- 10 April 2014 (meeting notes)
- 23 March 2013 (meeting notes)
- 23 November 2012 (meeting notes)
A national working group on cycling signs and markings was established by the RCA Forum Research and Guidelines Steering Group at its meeting on 9 August 2012. The new working group convened on 23 November 2012 and recognised that the existing ‘toolbox’ of signs and markings for cycling infrastructure was inadequate for the increasingly complex interactions now being encountered, and began to look at potential new markings.
The group convened again on 23 March 2013 to review these and agreed to undertake trials on markings to define a cycle lane, a shared lane and the safest route for cyclists. A sub-group was formed to progress the preparation of the trial proposal. Suitable sites and the methodology for the trials were agreed and a proposal was approved by the TCD Steering Group on 21 November 2013 for trials at five locations around Auckland and in four other centres (Dunedin, Nelson, Wellington and Palmerston North) on 12 March 2014.
The full working group convened on 10 April 2014 to review the trials begun in Auckland and the proposals from Palmerston North, Nelson, Dunedin and Wellington, as well as way-finding signage in Dunedin and Christchurch, and reconvened in Auckland on 18-19 June to undertake a thorough review of both the trials and other cycling facility interventions around the city. The group agreed at that meeting that it needed to address a broader range of issues in providing guidance on best practice in the design of infrastructure for the active modes (both cycling and walking) and adopted the name Active Modes Infrastructure Group (AMIG).
The group met in Wellington on 27 November 2014 and in Christchurch on 5 March 2015. The meeting in Christchurch identified that the group would need to meet more frequently during 2015 in order to meet the needs of the development of national cycling design guidelines in time for the major upsurge in cycling infrastructure projects within the Urban Cycleways Programme (UCP). The UCP has increased the importance of the group’s role as a forum for the exchange of technical experience and expertise between project leaders within different authorities. The group reconvened in Wellington on 7 May 2015, 9 July 2015 and 6 November 2015 and included a study tour of Wellington regional cycling facilities on 5 November.
The first meeting of 2016 was hosted by Christchurch City Council on 25 February and included a study tour of inner city walking and cycling infrastructure (map). The group was hosted by Hamilton City Council on 19 May and had an opportunity to take a study tour of Hamilton projects during the day. See the NZTA update and the Shared Footpaths working group report. The group met in Wellington on 19 August and on 24 November 2016, and again on 12 April 2017. The second meeting of 2017 was held in Auckland and coincided with the America’s Cup victory parade on 6 July, while the third meeting was convened in Christchurch on 16 October ahead of the Asia Pacific Cycling Congress.
Group members are:
- Paul Barker – Wellington City Council, Safe and Sustainable Transport Manager
- Richard Bean – NZ Transport Agency, Senior Engineer
- Adam Beattie – Auckland Transport, Walking and Cycling Specialist
- David Brown – New Plymouth District Council, Traffic and Safety Engineer
- Glenn Bunting – NZ Transport Agency, Network Manager, Safety and Environment
- Simon Cager – Hutt City Council, Senior Project Engineer
- Gerry Dance – NZ Transport Agency, System Design and Delivery Principal Adviser
- Steve Dejong – Christchurch City Council, Traffic Engineer
- Mark Edwards – NZ Transport Agency, Senior Engineer
- Andy High – Nelson City Council, Senior Engineering Officer
- Tim Hughes – NZ Transport Agency, National Traffic and Safety Engineer
- Simon Kennett – NZ Transport Agency, Senior Project Manager
- Matthew Kilpatrick – Palmerston North City Council, Transportation Planner
- Glen Koorey – ViaStrada, Transportation Group NZ representative
- Jodie Lawson – Rotorua Lakes District Council, Sustainable Transport Team Leader
- Susan Lilley – Dunedin City Council, Transportation Planner
- Nick Marshall – Whangarei District Council, Senior Roading Engineer
- Wayne Newman – RCA Forum Research and Guidelines Steering Group
- Eynon Phillips – Hastings District Council, Strategic Transport Engineer
- Claire Sharland – Taupo District Council, Asset Manager Transportation
- Ina Stenzel – Auckland Transport, Walking and Cycling Principal Specialist
- Andrea Timings – Hamilton City Council, Network Engineer
Gerry Dance and Wayne Newman are joint-convenors of the group.
Former members of the group:
- Nathaniel Benefield – New Plymouth City Council
- Sandi Morris – Palmerston North City Council
- Kirsty Horridge – Hamilton City Council
- Nilesh Redekar – Hastings District Council
- Kathryn King – Auckland Transport
- Claire Graham – Auckland Transport
- Glenn Connolly – Palmerston North City Council
- Clare Cassidy – Tauranga City Council