This page attempts to put in one place the key references, guidelines or pieces of research created or collated by the working groups and otherwise within the pages of those individual working groups. Links to the relevant pages are designed to allow extra details to be found more quickly.
Cycling Go to working group page>>
- The impact of environmental factors on cycling speed on shared paths S. Boufous, J. Hatfield, R. Grzebieta, University of New South Wales, September 2017
- Regulations and safety for electric bicycles and other low-powered vehicles J. Lieswyn, M. Fowler, G. Koorey, March 2017
- How dangerous is cycling in New Zealand? M. Chieng, H. Lai, A. Woodward, University of Auckland, February 2017
- Footpath Cycling Rule Options Research J. Ward, H. Mackie, November 2016
- Developing options for contra-flow cycleways, G. Koorey, W. Lloyd, M. McAulay, IPENZ TG Conference, March 2017
- Benchmarking cycling and walking in six New Zealand cities, C. Shaw and M. Russell, New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities, Otago University, August 2016
- Understanding direct and indirect driver vision from heavy goods vehicles, (UK), S. Summerskill and R. Marshall, Loughborough University, July 2016
- “Bicycles may use full lane” signage communicates U.S. Roadway Rules and increases perceptions of safety, G. Hess, M. Peterson, NC State University, August 2015
- Shared paths – the issues, Victoria Walks, June 2015
- Multiple Criteria Bicycle Route Assessment: Integrating demand, supply and stakeholder perceptions for a spatial decision support system in Christchurch, NZ, A. Butler, University of Twente, The Netherlands, March 2015
- A safer road environment for cyclists, J. P. Schepers, PhD dissertation, Delft University of Technology, Dec. 2013
- Requirements for effective cycling infrastructure, M. A. Coulthard and B. E. Southey-Jensen, University of Canterbury, 2014
Footpaths, shared paths and accessibility Go to working group page >>
- Analysis of footpath regulationa and gaps analysis (April 2017)
- Summary of footpaths issues (April 2016)
- Summary of demographic change projections (April 2016)
- Summary of research findings on participation rates on shared paths (September 2016)
- Submission on Petition of Joanne Clendon (September 2016)
- Valuing access to work M. Bealing, T. Krieble, D. Pambudi, 2017
- The value of accessibility S. Locke, B. Burdett, March 2017
- Valuing participation in transport S. Locke, B. Burdett, August 2016
- Economic benefits of improved accessibility to transport systems L. Casullo, ITF, 2016
- Footpath Cycling Rule Options Research J. Ward, H. Mackie, November 2016
- The Value of the Bus to Society, (UK), Greener Journeys, 2016
- Submission on petition of Joanne Clendon by Roger Boulter
- Government response to report of Select Committee on petition of Joanne Clendon
- The impact of environmental factors on cycling speed on shared paths, S. Boufous, J. Hatfield, R. Grzebieta, University of NSW, September 2017
- Signal design for pedestrians as if they were thinking adults M. Daff, B. Cramphorn, Walk21 2006
- Feasibility of implementing European/North American “Pedestrian Crosswalk” laws in New Zealand, C. L. McCrostie, University of Canterbury, 2014
Road dust and public health Go to working group page >>
- Effects of road dust (McCrea): 1984 RR 156 and 1990 Lincoln University thesis
- Health effects of PM10 (MfE): Report 39 (2003)
- Airborne dust hazard (WHO): Report
- What is particulate matter (Beck): Definitions and measuring methodologies (2015)
- Dust management guide (MfE): 2001 Guide
- The air we breathe (NIWA): 2011 Report
- Unpaved Road Dust Management Handbook (FHWA): 2013 Handbook
- Dust Management Policy (FNDC): 2014 Policy
- Road dust research (Bluett and Cunliffe): 2015 report
- Particulate matter and cardiovascular disease (Du et al.): 2016 report
- Impacts of exposure to dust from unsealed roads (Bluett, Gimson and de Aguiar): 2016 RR 590
- NZTA General Circular Investment: 16/04
- Road dust and increased mortality (Hong, King et al.): 2017 research (Canada)
- UCPRC Unpaved Road Dust Control and Stabilization Treatment Selection Guide (University of California – Davis)
Stock crossing roads Go to working group page >>
Stock effluent from trucks Go to working group page >>
- A Practical Guide to Providing Facilities for Stock Effluent Disposal from Trucks (4th edition 2013)
Vegetation management and avoiding herbicide resistance Go to working group page >>
- Glyphosate resistance management strategies (August 2014)