Marlon Bridge, BCOM, DIP COM, CA
Acting Director, Te Tari Taiwhenua Internal Affairs
Marlon Bridge is a senior executive with over 25 years of experience in senior management roles across both the private and public sectors. He has been the chief financial officer of Manukau Water Limited, and the general manager of retail and chief financial officer for Watercare, prior to being appointed as Watercare’s Deputy Chief Executive.
After a period as Acting Chief Executive from late 2020, Marlon was seconded from Watercare to be the Head of Delivery in the Three Waters National Transition Unit within the Department of Internal Affairs.
Since late 2021, Marlon has been the Acting Director of the Three Waters National Transition Unit, which is the team responsible for delivering on the Government’s three waters reform programme through the establishment of four new water services entities, which will take over delivery of three waters services from local government from 1 July 2024.