Research at Canterbury University
The Civil and Natural Resources Engineering School at Canterbury University supports post-graduate and doctoral research into transport and transport infrastructure-related topics. The reports from this research can often provide new insights into topical problems. The reports on this research and a list of research from earlier years can be accessed via the Civil and Natural Resources Engineering website.
Examples of recent research for MET and PhD theses at Canterbury include:
- Modelling bus dwell times.
- Effect of speed cushions on traffic.
- Recycled glass in asphalt pavements.
- Network terminal reliabilty.
- Uncertainty in transport planning models.
- Feeder services to the Northern Busway.
- Investigation of suitable roadway widths for pinch points.
- Influence on safety of perceptual speed management treatments on New Zealand rural roads.
- Dynamic response recovery tool to support decision making activities during emergency response events in New Zealand.
- Influences on transport policymakers and attitudes towards peak oil.
- Environmental capacity of local residential streets.
- Behaviour of pavements stabilised using foamed bitumen.
- Analysis of forecast travel time benefits against those realised.
- Incorporating safety into rural highway design.
- Effects of traffic calming devices on road safety and environmental conditions on urban local roads.
Current projects include:
- Lowering urban traffic speeds to achieve sustainable land transport outcomes in New Zealand.
- Travel demand estimation.
- Bus travel time variability and bus bunching models.
- Effectiveness of incident management on traffic network reliability.
- Energy risk assessment method for freight transportation systems.
- A logistics-based mode-change model for New Zealand freight transport.
- Impacts of neighbourhood traffic management.
- Environmental capacity of local residential streets.
- Energy risk assessment method for freight transportation systems.