What’s new

Recent announcements from RCA Forum and members.

Road Rail Working Group

A new Road Rail Working Group is being set up to address some of the issues facing the sector and we are looking for representatives.

The purpose of this working group is to identify, prioritise and seek to address a range of road-rail issues that currently impact local government.


The objectives of the working group are to:

  • Clarify and communicate the allocation of responsibilities between rail access providers and road controlling authorities for maintaining sighting distances at public road level crossings.
  • Work with road controlling authorities to ensure that they meet their responsibilities for maintaining sighting distances at public road level crossings.
  • Explore a collaborative partnership between RCA’s and Tracksafe to improve safety at the intersection of roads and rail track.
  • Develop where needed new guidance, for for sharing best practice and promote appropriate regulatory responses where needed.

The working group will include representatives from LGNZ, road controlling authorities representing metro, provincial and rural communities, Waka Kotahi, KiwiRail and Tracksafe.

It is expected that the Working Group will require a term of three years to address the issues to be considered.

If you are interested in being part of this working group or want to know more, please contact Bruce Conaghan on [email protected]