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Recent announcements from RCA Forum and members.

Follow up on the September RCA Forum

It was wonderful to see such a fantastic turnout of RCA members at 6 September RCA Forum (check out our photo gallery for photos of the day).


Our speakers told their stories on;

  • recent weather events and the lessons learned,
  • how does infrastructure need to adapt and change to our needs and aspirations,
  • how do we get our share of the CERF-22 pie,
  • what does adaption planning actually mean for the road corridor,
  • and more…


You can view speaker presentations in the forum resource list (by speaker name) or in the September agenda (under each agenda item).  If you have any further questions relating to these presentations, please email them through to [email protected] and we will look to get an answer for you.


Forum Feedback:
Thank you to RCA members who provided us with feedback on the day.  It is extremely important to us that we get your feedback on our performance and how we can best deliver value for you. If you ran out of time on the day, and would still like to provide us with your valuable feedback, please fill in online feedback form by 30 September 2022.


Project Emissions Estimation Tool (PEET):
With reference to the PEET model that was discussed during Dr Cathy Bebelman’s presentation; this model will cover both urban, rural and highway networks and will be available in October.  If you have any queries prior to the release of this model, please contact Dr Cathy Bebelman directly on [email protected].


The next RCA Forum will be held online in November 2022.   We will be in touch at a later date with programme details and to advise when registration opens.


Finally, we would like to acknowledge and congratulate you for all the hard work you do to help improve the transport system.  There is no greater time to ensure that your voice is heard in the policy and delivery debates and that you have access to the information and networks to assist in this.